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A Message for Our New Clients

Dear New Client,

Welcome to Scooby's!

We created three 'client orientation' videos to ensure your Scooby's experience is the best it can be. Please watch "Welcome to Scooby's" general service video, listed first, below. If you signed up for a bucket service, please view "Bucket Client Orientation," listed second, below. If you signed up for a scoop service, please watch "Scoop Client Orientation," listed third, below. If you have signed up for a scoop service and requested a bucket for your own casual use, please watch all three videos. 

We hope you find our cinematographic masterpieces both informative and entertaining.


Bill Droeske

Craig Stark

The Owners of Scooby's Dog Waste Removal Service

dog walking on a deck

General Service

Bucket Client Orientation

Scoop Client Orientation

Dog Waste Disposal Queries

Do you have a question regarding a bucket or scoop poop service?

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